Handelen ble gjort kort tid etter at KBN offentliggjorde vårt nye rammeverk for grønne obligasjoner, og markerer bankens første grønne obligasjon i dollarmarkedet siden 2016.

«Vi er glade for å være tilbake i markedet med den første grønne obligasjonen etter vårt oppdaterte rammeverk og tydeliggjøre KBNs strategiske fokus på grønn finans. Det svært gode resultatet av handelen bekrefter den voksende investorinteressen for ESG-produkter av høy kvalitet», sier innlånssjef i KBN Thomas Møller. 

Interessen for KBNs utstedelse var høy, med en ordrebok på 1,2 milliarder dollar. Etterspørselssiden bestod i stor grad av sentralbanker og offentlige institusjoner, som fikk 67,5 pst. av den endelige fordelingen. 

KBNs grønne obligasjoner finansierer klimaløsninger i norsk kommunesektor. Hvilke investeringer som kvalifiserer til grønne lån er definert i våre kriterier for grønne lån (pdf). Les mer om prosessen for grønne lån her

By GeographyBy Investor Type
EMEA34.4%Fund Managers20.6%
Pension Fund/Insurance5.3%

Credit Agricole CIB is extremely proud to have assisted KBN with its successful return to the public USD Green Bond market. KBN has deep roots in the Green Bond market and has continuously supported the development of this sector within the Nordic region and on a global scale. Today’s successful transaction, which follows the update of its Green Bond framework, was characterised by strong investor demand of the highest quality, and is a true tribute to the fantastic Green Bond work done by KBN over the years. Congratulations from CA-CIB!
Tanguy Claquin, Global Head of Sustainable Banking, Credit Agricole CIB

Being one of the first European issuers to issue a Green Bond in USD, KBN also provides the market with best-in-class impact reporting as illustrated by winning the Environmental Finance’s Impact Report of the Year 2020 Award. With its longstanding green commitment coupled with its excellent credit quality, it is no surprise that KBN’s first USD green bond benchmark since 2016 received such an outstanding reception. Nordea is delighted to have participated in such a prestigious transaction.
Kamal Grossard-Amin, Managing Director and Head of SSA DCM at Nordea Bank

What an excellent return to the USD green market for KBN with this new long 3yr transaction. Amidst a busy backdrop it is very impressive that KBN achieved a negative spread to mid-swaps, driven by the exceptionality high quality orderbook from global investors. In particular, the noteworthy participation from green investors is a testament to the significant work and leading role KBN have played in the green bond market over the years. We applaud the full KBN team on this transaction and their new Green Bond Framework.
Laura Quinn, Managing Director, Head of Origination & Syndicate, TD Securities Dublin

Issuer:Kommunalbanken Norway (KBN)
Rating:Aaa/AAA (stable/stable)
Issue Amount:USD 500 mn (no-grow)
Pricing Date:14th April 2021
Settlement Date: 21st April 2021
Coupon: 0.5% Fixes S/A, 30/360
Maturity:21st October 2024
Reoffer Price:99.675%
Reoffer Yield:0.594%
Reoffer vs. Mid-Swaps:MS-1bp
Reoffer vs Benchmark:CT3+23.7bps
Lead Managers:Crédit Agricole CIB, Nordea, TD Securities

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